What is Bible Brite?

Bible Brite is a one-year discipleship system utilizing fifty-two individual handheld Bible studies.

Why call Bible Brite a discipleship system?

Bible Brite is a discipleship system because it promotes and nurtures discipleship. To better understand this process, we will begin with its design, referred to as the Bible Brite Blueprint.

Bible Brite

Bible Brite Blueprint

The Bible Brite Blueprint has to do with the five elements found in every Bible Brite study. Understanding these elements will make your experience more productive. The five elements are as follows—The Topic, the Questions, the Scriptures, the Talking Points, and the Take-Aways.

5 Distinct Elements


1. The Topic

Displayed on the front of every card above the BIBLE BRITE logo is the Topic of that Study. The Topic is always the main subject of the BIBLE-BRITE Study. In our example, the Topic is Prayer Problems.

2. The Questions

Always in red, Questions are asked that bring out essential subtleties relating to the BIBLE BRITE Study topic.

3. The Bible Verses

Below each Question is a Scripture Verse that answers the Question above it.

4. The Talking Points

Below each Bible Verse, you will find numbered Talking Points directly from that verse.

5. The Take-Aways

On the back of each Study, at the bottom of the card, you will find the Take-Aways or critical points of the Study.

I just don’t know where to get started.

I open the bible and don’t know if I should start in the Gospels, Old Testament, or what topics to even study. You may have a hard time really understanding how the Bible relates to your daily life.

This is why we created Bible Brite

The Bible Brite System will help you build a firm foundation of your faith over the next year, helping you grow in ways you never thought were possible.

Imagine the feeling of opening up the Word and truly knowing how it applies to your life today.

How would you like to get excited about studying the Bible, instead of being confused, lost, and unclear on how the teachings and verses relate to your life.